Bench iT: The AI Powered Benchmarking Solution for Quantity Surveyors

Introducing Bench iT

If you're a quantity surveyor, then you know how important it is to have accurate cost estimates for construction projects. After all, construction projects can be very expensive, and even a small mistake can cost a lot of money. That's why you need a tool like Bench iT.

Bench iT is a powerful AI-powered tool that can help you benchmark your previous construction projects and get accurate cost estimates for future projects. It's easy to use and it's very accurate, so you can be sure that you're getting the most accurate cost estimates possible.

How Bench iT can help your business

Bench iT is designed to save you time and money. In the past benchmarking has been a difficult and time consuming task to undertake. Because of that it is largely only accessible to larger companies with the resources to invest in benchmarking however with Bench iT this is no longer the case. Small and medium sized businesses can now use the power of benchmarking to improve their bottom line.

There are many ways in which Bench iT can help your business. One way is by providing accurate cost estimates for future projects. By having access to accurate cost information you can save your company money by making sure you are not overpaying for materials or labor. Bench iT can also help you improve your project management. By tracking key performance indicators you can identify areas where your company can improve. This information can help you make better decisions about how to run your projects in the future.

The benefits of using Bench iT

Bench iT contains a number of features that will fit in perfectly with any workflow, namely the project comparison, rate lookup, unit cost analysis, and pricing rebasing. By having all these features in one place, it will save time and energy for both the quantity surveyor and the construction company. The main benefit that Bench iT offers is the ability to get an accurate estimate of the cost of a construction project. In the past, quantity surveyors would have to rely on their own experience and knowledge to come up with an estimate. However, with Bench iT, they can now get an estimate that is based on data from previous projects. This will help to ensure that the estimate is as accurate as possible, which will save both time and money. Another great benefit of Bench iT is the fact that it can be used to track KPIs for stakeholders. This is important because it allows construction companies to see how their projects are progressing and whether or not they are meeting their targets. By tracking these KPIs, you can decide on future bids and tenders.

How is Bench iT different to BCIS?

There are a few key ways in which Bench iT differentiates itself from BCIS. Most important of which is that the Building Cost Information Service is made up of tens of thousands of cost studies from other consultants, the issue with this is that averaging so many other projects reduces accuracy. With Bench iT, you're only benchmarking your own data against your past projects, this way you know your data is accurate.

Secondly, Bench iT is powered by artificial intelligence which gives it the ability to learn and improve with each new project that is inputted into the system. This means that over time, the system will become more and more accurate, making it a valuable tool for quantity surveyors.

BCIS, on the other hand, is a static system that does not use artificial intelligence. This means that it is not able to improve over time and may become less accurate as new projects are inputted into the system.

Finally, Bench iT offers a more comprehensive suite of features including project comparison, rate lookup, stakeholder KPI tracking, unit cost analysis and pricing rebasing. This allows quantity surveyors to get a better understanding of their project costs, and ultimately make more informed decisions when estimating future projects.

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