Blog Posts

Once upon a time there were two Quantity Surveyors called John and Steve. John used to find rates one by one, painstakingly revisiting half missing old job information, which was both time consuming and error-prone. Steve used an estimating program called Bench iT which automates the estimation process, saving time and money.

Be more like Steve, learn more about benchmarking and Bench iT in our blog!
Mastering Benchmarking Techniques for Quantity Surveyors

Learn how to use the benchmarking technique for quantity surveying. Get expert tips and tricks to optimise your estimating process and maximise efficiency in your construction projects with this comprehensive guide.

The Benefits of Using Bench iT for Accurate Construction Cost Estimation

This article explores the benefits of using Bench iT, a cloud-based benchmarking program, for accurate construction cost estimation. The app streamlines the estimation process, improves data accuracy and consistency, provides real-time insights, and enhances project forecasting capabilities. By using Bench iT, quantity surveyors can save time, reduce errors, and make more informed decisions, ultimately delivering better outcomes for their clients and stakeholders.

Find the Best Unit Rates for Your Building Projects: A Comprehensive Guide

Looking for accurate unit rates for your construction projects? This comprehensive guide provides a range of resources, including BCIS, Spons, and benchmarking, and offers tips for comparing and verifying unit rates. Learn how to get the most accurate and up-to-date information for your projects and drive cost savings with our expert advice.

Automation and the quantity surveyor

This blog post explores the impact of automation on the quantity surveying profession. It examines both the potential benefits and drawbacks of automation, and considers how surveyors can effectively incorporate automation into their work.

The Differences Between a Cost Manager and a Quantity Surveyor in Construction

Learn about the roles and responsibilities of cost consultants and quantity surveyors in the construction industry, and the key differences between these two professionals. Discover how these professionals can help manage the costs of building projects, and the potential salary differences between them.

Why Project Managers Should Care About Project Benchmarking

As a project manager, you are always looking for ways to improve your project's performance. One way to do this is to benchmark your project against other similar projects. This will help you to identify areas where your project is doing well and areas where it could improve.

Cost Benchmarking for Contractors - The Basics

Cost benchmarking is one of the most effective ways to increase profitability. Learn how to use cost benchmarking to improve efficiency and reduce overhead expenses.

Saving Money and Time with Efficient Benchmarking in Construction

Construction projects are expensive and time-consuming endeavors. In order to save money and time, construction professionals need to benchmark their projects against similar projects. This process of benchmarking allows professionals to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

Benchmarking in construction: an ecological perspective

Benchmarking is a process of comparing the performance of one organization against others in the same industry or sector. The purpose of benchmarking is to identify areas where an organization can improve its performance. In recent years benchmarking climate impact has become an important topic in the construction industry. In this article we take an ecological perspective on benchmarking climate impact in construction. We argue that, in order to be truly effective, benchmarking must consider the full life cycle of buildings and other construction projects, from the extraction of raw materials to the eventual disposal or recycling of the finished product.