Saving Money and Time with Efficient Benchmarking in Construction

The Benefits of Benchmarking for Quantity Surveyors

As the construction industry becomes more competitive, the need to find ways to save money and time becomes more important. One way to do this is through benchmarking.

Benchmarking is the process of comparing your company’s performance against that of other companies in the same industry. This can be done in a number of ways, but the most common is to compare key performance indicators (KPIs).

There are a number of benefits that benchmarking can bring to a company, but for quantity surveyors, there are three key benefits:

  1. improved estimating accuracy
  2. reduced project costs
  3. improved project management.

Improved estimating accuracy

One of the most important aspects of a quantity surveyor’s job is creating accurate estimates. This is essential for ensuring that a project stays within budget.

Benchmarking can help to improve estimating accuracy in a number of ways. First, it can help to identify where your company’s estimating practices need to be improved. Second, it can provide you with a better understanding of the cost of similar projects. This can be particularly useful when estimating the cost of a new project, as you will be able to compare it to similar projects that have been completed in the past.

Reduced project costs

As well as improving estimating accuracy, benchmarking can also help to reduce project costs. This is because it can help you to identify areas where your company is spending more money than others.

By identifying these areas, you can then take steps to reduce your expenditure. This could involve anything from changing the way you procure materials to renegotiating contracts with suppliers.

Improved project management

Benchmarking can also help to improve project management. This is because it can help you to identify areas where your company’s project management practices need to be improved.

It can also help you to understand how other companies are managing their projects. This can be particularly useful when you are trying to implement new project management practices in your own company.


Benchmarking is a valuable tool for quantity surveyors. It can help to improve estimating accuracy, reduce project costs, and improve project management.

How to Conduct an Efficient Benchmarking Exercise

Construction benchmarking is an essential exercise for every construction organization, whether it is a owner/client, architect, engineering firm, or general contractor. Because construction benchmarking involves the comparing of one company's performance against other similar companies, it is an excellent way to measure how your company is doing in comparison to its peers. It is also an effective way to identify potential areas for improvement within your company.

There are a few key steps to conducting an efficient construction benchmarking exercise:

  1. Define the scope of the benchmarking exercise. What aspects of the construction process do you want to compare? Make sure to be specific in your scope so that you can accurately compare apples to apples.
  2. Identify a list of comparable companies. This step is critical in ensuring that the benchmarking exercise is truly meaningful. Try to find companies that are of a similar size, in a similar geographic location, and in a similar market segment.
  3. Gather data. Once you have a list of comparable companies, it's time to start gathering data. This data can come from a variety of sources, including financial reports, surveys, interviews, and observation.
  4. Analyze the data. Once you have collected all of the data, it's time to start analyzing it. This is where you will look for trends and patterns in the data that can help you identify areas of improvement for your company.
  5. Implement changes. Based on the results of the benchmarking exercise, it's time to start making changes within your company. These changes could be anything from process improvements to organizational changes.

Conducting a construction benchmarking exercise can be a time-consuming and daunting task, but it is well worth the effort. By taking the time to compare your company against its peers, you can identify areas where your company is falling behind and take steps to improve.

This is where Bench iT can help. It allows you to quickly and efficiently enter your project data with Bench iT doing the rest of the work for you. It produces valuable insights that will show where your projects, company and stakeholders are performing well and where there is room for improvement. Sign up today to learn more about how Bench iT can help you with your construction benchmarking needs.

The Top 10 Benefits of Benchmarking for Architects

Project benchmarking isn't just useful for Quantity Surveyors, it is also imperative for other construction professionals to do aswell, notably Architects. Here are the top 10 benefits of benchmarking for Architects:

  1. Saves time – By quickly understanding what similar projects have cost in the past, you can avoid time-consuming mistakes and rework.
  2. Saves money – By understanding what similar projects have cost, you can price your services more accurately and avoid cost overruns.
  3. Helps you understand the market – By knowing what other similar projects have cost, you can better understand the construction market and your place in it.
  4. Gives you a competitive advantage – By being able to accurately price your services, you can win more work and stay ahead of your competitors.
  5. Helps you understand your clients’ needs – By understanding what your clients’ needs are in relation to similar projects, you can tailor your services to better meet their needs.
  6. Helps you understand your own costs – By understanding your own costs in relation to similar projects, you can better control them and improve your profitability.
  7. Helps you bid more accurately – By understanding the cost of similar projects, you can bid more accurately for work, avoid losing money on jobs, and improve your win rate.
  8. Helps you plan better – By understanding the cost of similar projects, you can better plan your own projects, avoid cost overruns, and complete them on time and on budget.
  9. Helps you manage risk – By understanding the cost of similar projects, you can better identify and manage risks, avoiding cost blowouts and project delays.
  10. Helps you improve your profitability – By understanding the cost of similar projects, you can improve your own profitability by better controlling your costs and improving your efficiency.

The 5 Key Ingredients of a Successful Benchmarking Exercise

Here are 5 of the key ingredients of a successful benchmarking exercise. Generally the more metrics you can track the better however these 5 will guarantee success.

Define your project’s goals

Before you even start your benchmarking project, you need to sit down and think about what you want to achieve. What are your goals? What does success look like? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can start to put together a plan to achieve them.

Choose the right metrics

There are a number of different metrics you could track, but not all of them will be relevant to your project. You need to think about what data is going to be most useful in helping you to achieve your goals. Choose metrics that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

Collect data from a variety of sources

Don’t just rely on data from your own company. Look at data from competitors, suppliers, industry associations and other relevant sources. The more data you have to compare, the more accurate your benchmarking exercise will be.

Use data analysis tools

Don’t try to make sense of all the data you’ve collected by yourself. Use data analysis tools to help you to Organise, visualise and understand the data. This will make it much easier to identify trends and areas for improvement. Tools such as Bench iT are specifically designed for this purpose

Communicate your findings

Once you’ve analysed the data, it’s time to communicate your findings. This is an important part of the process, as it helps to ensure that everyone involved understands the results of the benchmarking exercise and knows what needs to be done to improve.

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