Blog Posts

Once upon a time there were two Quantity Surveyors called John and Steve. John used to find rates one by one, painstakingly revisiting half missing old job information, which was both time consuming and error-prone. Steve used an estimating program called Bench iT which automates the estimation process, saving time and money.

Be more like Steve, learn more about benchmarking and Bench iT in our blog!
What are the differences between cost estimating and cost planning for quantity surveyors?

Cost estimating is the process of predicting the cost of a construction based on limited information, usually carried out between stages 1-2 of RIBA design. Cost planning is the process of developing a detailed plan for the costs of a construction project, and is usually undertaken during stages 3-4 of the RIBA design process.

The advantages of benchmarking for quantity surveyors

How can benchmarking previous construction projects offer insight into future projects, allowing us to create more accurate cost estimates and better value for clients?

How does project benchmarking compare to other pricing sources for construction projects?

There is no one perfect pricing method for quantity surveyors, and the best approach is likely to involve a combination of different methods. Construction project benchmarking can be a valuable tool, but it is important to understand the limitations of the process before using it.